December 13, 2020

Coronavirus lockdowns should be lifted and replaced with a targeted strategy that protects the old and other high-risk groups.

Martin Kulldorff of Harvard Medical School vs. Andrew Noymer of the University of California, Irvine.

November 11, 2020

The Electoral College is the best means of electing a president compared to any others that might be devised.

Richard Epstein of New York University Law School vs. Lawrence Lessig of Harvard Law School.

October 18, 2020

To combat climate change, the world's nations must make it their highest priority to completely replace the burning of fossil fuels within the next 20 years.

Jeff Nesbit, Executive director of Climate Nexus vs. Bjorn Lomborg, President of the Copenhagen Consensus Center.

October 2, 2020

Update: Libertarians should vote for [Biden? Jorgenson? Trump?] in the next presidential election.

Ilya Somin, Law Professor at George Mason University vs. Angela McArdle, Chair of the Libertarian Party Los Angeles vs. Francis Menton, author of the Manhattan Contrarian blog.

September 16, 2020

To combat inequality, greater investments must be made in public schools so as not to accommodate the formation of "pandemic pods" by affluent parents.

Jon Hale, Economics Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign vs. Corey DeAngelis, the director of school choice at Reason Foundation and an adjunct scholar at Cato Institute.

August 19, 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic makes it all the more urgent for the U.S. to install a system of Medicare for All.

Gerald Friedman, Economics Professor at the University of Massachusetts Amherst vs. Sally Pipes, President, CEO, and Thomas W. Smith Fellow in Health Care Policy at the Pacific Research Institute.

July 22, 2020

Libertarians should vote for [Biden? Jorgenson? Trump?] in the next presidential election.

Ilya Somin, Law Professor at George Mason University vs. Angela McArdle, Chair of the Libertarian Party Los Angeles vs. Francis Menton, author of the Manhattan Contrarian blog.

June 24, 2020

There is overwhelming evidence that the criminal justice system is racist.

Radley Balko of the Washington Post vs. Rafael Mangual the Manhattan Institute.

June 1, 2020

The lockdown has saved hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of lives and spared American hospitals the horrors of rationing care.

Dr. Marty Makary is a surgeon and professor of health policy at the Johns Hopkins School of Public Health vs. Dr. Knut Wittkowski is currently the CEO of ASDERA LLC.

May 6, 2020

The current pandemic makes it all the more necessary for the federal government to tighten restrictions on immigration.

Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, vs. Bryan Caplan, economics professor at George Mason University and author of Open Borders.

April 21, 2020

The US economy should be liberated from the governments' lockdowns right away.

David Henderson of Stanford University vs. Justin Wolfers of the University of Michigan.

March 9, 2020

Antitrust should take the initiative to control the size of big tech companies.

Tim Wu of Columbia University law school vs. Richard Epstein of New York University Law School.


February 4, 2020

President Trump’s trade-related initiatives against China deserve broad public support.

Stephen Moore, Heritage Foundation economist and author of Trumponomics vs. Gene Epstein, the Director of The Soho Forum.


January 6, 2020

Robotics will soon lead to widespread joblessness, underemployment, and the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few.

Martin Ford is the leading expert on the Robot Revolution vs. Antony Sammeroff who serves as Spokesperson on Economics and Environment for The Scottish Libertarian Party.


The Soho Forum Debate Series Archive