December 11, 2017


“Fifteen million able-bodied adults on government welfare would have a better chance at economic betterment if they were taken off welfare."

Tarren Bragdon of the Foundation for Government Accountability vs. Neera Tanden of the Center for American Progress and the Center for American Progress Action Fund.

November 13, 2017


The U.S. government should unilaterally abolish all tariffs and duties on imports and all subsidies to exports, thereby making all reciprocal trade agreements with other countries unnecessary."

Don Boudreaux of George Mason University vs. Rick Manning, President of Americans for Limited Government.

October 16, 2017


“All Affirmative Action programs in public colleges and universities that are based on ethnic-racial composition should be abolished.”

Peter H. Schuck of Yale University vs. Michael Meyers of the New York Civil Rights Coalition.

September 19, 2017


"The U.S. government should offer a Medicare-like plan that would be available to all Americans buying health insurance."

Paul Starr of Princeton University vs. David Goldhill, the CEO of GSN.

July 11, 2017


"Parents should have the choice to opt out of public schools and redirect the taxpayer tuition money for their children to other approved schools or educational options."

Bob Bowdon of ChoiceMedia.TV vs. Samuel Abrams of Columbia University.

June 13, 2017


"Adam Smith should be honored as the founder of modern economics and free-enterprise capitalism."

Mark Skousen of Columbia Business School vs. Gene Epstein of Barron's Magazine.


May 16, 2017


"America's colleges have fostered a racist environment that makes them a hostile space for African American students."

Lawrence Ross, an author of historical texts, vs. Kmele Foster of TelcoIQ and the Fifth Column Podcast.

April 12, 2017


"The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation should be abolished in favor of private sector solutions for protecting the safety of bank deposits."

George Selgin of Cato Institute vs. Josh Barro of Business Insider.

March 13, 2017


"A market system for medical care would save more people from suffering inadequate care than any other system."

Michael Cannon of Cato Institute vs. Jonathan Cohn of The Huffington Post.

February 13, 2017

"U.S. immigration policy should be to issue migration visas, without any numerical limitations, to all applicants who are not on a terrorist watch list, and who do not otherwise have criminal records or contagious diseases."


Benjamin Powell of Texas Tech University vs. Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies.

January 17, 2017


"Based on his record of accomplishments, Barack Obama has been a great president."

Jonathan Chait of New York Magazine vs. Matt Welch of Reason..

The Soho Forum Debate Series Archive