Here's where you can find us each day at PorcFest:

Wednesday, June 23, 6:00 PM: A Headline Soho Forum Debate!

Debate Resolution:

Bitcoin will eventually replace governments' fiat currency as the preferred medium of exchange.


Affirmative: John Vallis, Host of the Podcast Bitcoin RapidFire.
Negative: Larry White, Economics Professor at George Mason University.

Location: Main Pavillion

Thursday, June 24, 12:00 PM:

Debate Resolution:

Libertarians should be allies with all who promote liberty, regardless of any bigoted views they might hold.

Affirmative: Kevin Tyson, member of the Free State Project.
Negative: Archie Flower, Chair of the Libertarian Party of Vermont.

Location: Main Pavillion

Friday, June 25, 12:00 PM:

Debate Resolution:

The Free State Project is a more realistic path to liberty than the Libertarian Party.

Affirmative: Jeremy Kauffman, Board Member of the Free State Project.
Negative: Angela McCardle, candidate for Chair of the LP.

Location: Main Pavillion

Saturday, June 26, 9:30 AM:

Economics 101 with Gene Epstein: Worker Need; Employer Greed?

Event Description: Gene will make the theoretical and empirical case for why wages rise under free-market capitalism — and have, contrary to myth, even over recent decades.

Location: Office Building at the Anthem Theater