Wednesday, June 19, 2024


The Austrian economics of Mises and Rothbard contains economic intuitions that are important, correct, and missing from Chicago School economics.


For the affirmative:

Gene Epstein is the Executive Director of the Soho Forum. He is the former Economics and Books Editor of Barron's, a position he left in January 2018 after a 26-year stint. He frequently appears on libertarian podcasts, including the "The Tom Woods Show.” He has defended the negative at 11 Soho Forum debates, and this appearance will be his first time defending the affirmative. His November 2019 debate on socialism with Prof. Richard Wolff has had more than six million views on Youtube.

For the negative:

David Friedman, An American economist, legal scholar, and anarcho-capitalist theorist, author of six non-fiction books, many articles and three novels. His most popular book is The Machinery of Freedom: Guide to a Radical Capitalism.